Previously,my release android app always clash,after typing the correct app id and app unit id,now it’s ,I have 2 problem.1)my app shows no ad(I haven’t publish to play store).2)my app(admob) is under review.what I wanted to know is,for those who succeeded admob ad,is it ,once I published my app,my problem 1) and 2) will be solved.any post is welcome, tst
Unfortunately we aren’t admob experts. My understanding is that Google does a pretty good job of supporting admob and you may want to reach out to their support. You may also consider publishing your app so ads start appearing. That may resolve your issues.
You might find that until it has been approved by Google, ads wont show. Once it is approved it can take up to 24hrs for ads to start showing.
If you have set up your admob add units correctly then for your app debug builds test ads are shown.
I think that error message means you have the published version of your app installed on your device. You cant run a debug version of the app on a device if the published version of the same app is also installed on your device.
Delete the published version of the app from your device and try again.
I found that i have to reedit my code to original state,which I never made.namely,sslevel,nextlevel,a function which is commended.i always have to delete my old debug app before installing release,my debug app still have no rdgs,tst
What does it mean by :A free, no ad-sharing version of Google AdMob plugin for Cordova
Function reqconsent()
document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
if (cordova.platformId === 'ios') {
const status = await consent.trackingAuthorizationStatus()
0 = notDetermined
1 = restricted
2 = denied
3 = authorized
const statusNew = await consent.requestTrackingAuthorization()
const consentStatus = await consent.getConsentStatus()
if (consentStatus === consent.ConsentStatus.Required) {
await consent.requestInfoUpdate()
await consent.loadAndShowIfRequired()
if (await consent.canRequestAds()) {
// request ads
}, false)
End JavaScript
End Function
Function sdstart()
document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
await admob.start()},false)
End JavaScript
End Function
Function adm()
document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
interstitial = new admob.InterstitialAd({
adUnitId: 'ca-app-pub-283166',
interstitial.on('load', (evt) => {
await interstitial.load();
}, False)
document.addEventListener('', async () => {
// Once a interstitial ad is shown, it cannot be shown again.
// Starts loading the Next interstitial ad as soon as it is dismissed.
await interstitial.load()
End JavaScript
End Function
U need to pay 2 percent of ad traffic if I use this plugin,for more detail,pls refer to site
'-[quote=“tst, post:7, topic:4041, full:true”]
'in prj
Sub Main()
Call reqconsent()
end sub
Dim yn = 0
Function Button12_onclick()
''Yes/No Prompt. Call yesNoDone when finished
Dim Title
Title = "load advertisement"
NSB.MsgBox(yesNoDone,"Do you like to load advertisement?(receive non-personalized ads)", vbYesNo+vbQuestion, Title)
End Function
Sub yesNoDone(result)
If yn = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If result=vbYes Then
Call sdstart()
Call adm()
yn = 1
NSB.MsgBox("ok,ad loaded!")
NSB.MsgBox("ok,ad not loaded!")
yn = 1
End Sub
'in config.xml,a
<plugin name="cordova-plugin-consent" source="npm" />
'in config.xml,b
<!-- <plugin name="cordova-plugin-consent" source="npm" /> -->
<!-- Android admob -->
<!-- <plugin name="admob-plus-cordova" ><variable name="APP_ID_ANDROID" value="ca-app-pub-283166159499983721/8417110678
"/></plugin> -->
Is my code correct,the config.xml,should be a or b?anyone,can enlighten me?I am using admob plus cordova
'in prj
Sub Main()
Call reqconsent()
end sub
Dim yn = 0
Function Button12_onclick()
''Yes/No Prompt. Call yesNoDone when finished
Dim Title
Title = “load advertisement”
NSB.MsgBox(yesNoDone,“Do you like to load advertisement?(receive non-personalized ads)”, vbYesNo+vbQuestion, Title)
End Function
Sub yesNoDone(result)
If yn = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If result=vbYes Then
Call sdstart()
Call adm()
yn = 1
NSB.MsgBox(“ok,ad loaded!”)
NSB.MsgBox(“ok,ad not loaded!”)
yn = 1
End Sub
'in config.xml,a
'in config.xml,b
Is my code correct,the config.xml,should be a or b?anyone,can enlighten me?I am using admob plus cordova[quote=“tst, post:7, topic:4041, full:true”]
'in prj
Sub Main()
Call reqconsent()
end sub
Dim yn = 0
Function Button12_onclick()
''Yes/No Prompt. Call yesNoDone when finished
Dim Title
Title = “load advertisement”
NSB.MsgBox(yesNoDone,“Do you like to load advertisement?(receive non-personalized ads)”, vbYesNo+vbQuestion, Title)
End Function
Sub yesNoDone(result)
If yn = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
If result=vbYes Then
Call sdstart()
Call adm()
yn = 1
NSB.MsgBox(“ok,ad loaded!”)
NSB.MsgBox(“ok,ad not loaded!”)
yn = 1
End Sub
'in config.xml,a
'in config.xml,b
Is my code correct,the config.xml,should be a or b?anyone,can enlighten me?I am using admob plus cordova