Admob question, android app

Hi, I see my old post asking abt admob, my only question left is, externally, do, I need to create another Web server for it to run. Anyway, I do not see any admob sample in as9001… Best rdgs, tst

I wrongly sign up for adsense, when I follow the link to sign up admob, it says adsense continue, or, sign up using another account. So, I need to register another Gmail account?

Update:already found the instruction to deactivate adsense account…

I am sorry - we are not experts with the Google advertising portal. I have not worked with it personally, either.

Summary;1)can anyone implementing admob tell me whether I need external Web site to work using admob, and what do I need to do in this website? 2)Need I need, and how do I setup user consent mechanism? Any reply is appreciated, tst

1)admob forum reply->admob is for app;adsense is for website