Android 12 build

Attempting to make native app for Android 12 with VoltBuilder. Installed latest version of NSB. Added to config:

engine name=“android” spec=“11.0.0”

Following error received:

A problem occurred evaluating script.

No usable Android build tools found. Highest 32.x installed version is 30.0.3; Recommended version is 32.0.0.

Good question! VoltBuilder itself allows for this, but the AppStudio interface is not set up for it.

We’ll get this fixed. is out. It has new option in Project Properties, in the VoltBuilder and Capacitor section.

If Android 12 is set to yes, your build will be for that. You still have to make the other changes in this doc. is out. Since Android 12 is now available in all builds, the Android 12 property is not needed anymore. It’s been removed.