Android Splash screen not showing up on the first boot of the app

This problem is all over the Internet. Splash screen not showing up on the first boot of the app on Android 12 [244063660] - Issue Tracker (

After install of APK on device, the splash does not show. If you then close the app, and reopen from the device as a user would normally, the splash screen shows and works as intended.

Has anyone found a fix for this because Google is rejecting my app from going to production on Google Play for this reason?

Additional Info: This is listed as corrected in Engine 13 but I am using 13 and still have the problem. Found here Splash Screen - Apache Cordova


  1. Android 12 does not show the splash screen when launching the application from Android Studio or Cordova CLI. This is a known Android 12 issue. After uploading the app to the device or simulator, exiting and opening the app will show the Splash Screen. If changes are not shown, try also performing a clean build. It has been fixed on Android 13.

Can you please share your build log? Thanks!

Sure. How do I share here? email?

You can email

Emailed. Any ideas?

Can you share the reason Google is giving you for the rejection? I’m not seeing anything suspicious in the log. You might try using our tools to generate the splashscreen rather than doing it manually: Generating Icons and Splash Screens | VoltBuilder

I have tried the templates but when i do I just get cordova icon. Again, the icon is not shown during first load. But if you close, and open app again, you see the cordova icon.

Google is saying

Issue details

We found an issue in the following area(s):

  • In-app experience : Please see attached screenshot IN_APP_EXPERIENCE-6730.png

The screenshot is the black blank screen that comes up for 3 seconds before the first form loads in my app.

Is it possible for apk to run perfectly on my test device and the bundle to cause an error? Is it possible to test a bundle?

We haven’t had any reports of this. Unfortunately this appears to be more a bug in Cordova than our build service. I’m not sure if we can help much more, but please let us know if you find a solution.

Okay. One last question before I lose my mind. For Android production, I am just using VoltSigner to get a android.p12 file and putting this file in my certificate folder. I am not using Google API Credentials. In Google Play console, I drop in my aab bundle that is generated from NSB/appstudio. Do I need to do anything else with the App signing key certificate that is generated by the Google Play Console?

I have to say, but the Apple Store Connect has a much better design then Google Play Console.

Okay - 1 more. Is this warning message from Google Console after upload of aab concerning:

There is no deobfuscation file associated with this App Bundle. If you use obfuscated code (R8/proguard), uploading a deobfuscation file will make crashes and ANRs easier to analyze and debug. Using R8/proguard can help reduce app size.

No, that should be enough.

This shouldn’t be an issue for you.

So the problem was Google tests app without Internet connectivity and my app would hang on splash when offline. So a word to the wise, test your app with and without connection to Internet.

Good advice - thanks for following up!