API 29 required by Google Play starting August 3

When you upload an APK, it needs to meet Google Play’s target API level requirements. New apps must target at least Android 10 (API level 29) starting August 2, 2020. App updates have until November 1.

Voltbuilder uses the default level of Cordova, which is currently 9.0.0. That still uses Android API Level 28.

However, it’s easy to override so API Level 29 is used. Add this line to your config.xml (in Project Properties, in the VoltBuilder section.)

<engine name="android" spec="9.0.0" />

Your app will now meet Google Play’s requirements.

We expect Cordova to update its default level over the next few days, so this won’t be needed for long.

(You’ll need to use VoltBuilder for this. PhoneGap Build does not support the latest version. No update is expected.)

Google now require API level 30, Does your post still apply for this new value?

@William_Robinson, where did you see this?

Yes, API 30 has been required for new apps since Nov 1, 2021.

To update your project for API 30, see this document.

Thanks, It’s probably been about a year since I’ve done any work on my apps. I Built 2 release Apps a few days ago through volt (for updating existing on Google Play) and I’ve just tried to upload to Google Play now. Thats when I got the message about the API level.


I’m supprised my app still builds through volt builder because by the looks of things I’m way out of date. Is PhonGap terminology still used? Is there an android sample config. xml file I could look at?


The config.xml is pretty much the same. VoltBuilder does some magic to help with some of the PhoneGap stuff which might still be there, so it doesn’t cause problems.

The document on Cordova 11 should tell you what changes you need to make.

Thanks for your help :+1: