App crash tracing

My app crashed once only but I don’t know why. How to trace it or at least recover previous status?

It crashed on Android 8.1 OnePlus5t


If you can reproduce the problem, you can use Chrome Remote Debugging to see what is going on.

Hi, did your app crash whilst being used by one of your users? Was this after an update to google play? If so I have just had a report back from one of my app users telling me that a message box keeps popping up saying that the app has stopped working? (Android 8.0) Did you resolve your problem?
I can’t reproduce the problem in the chrome browser and the debug APK from phone gap works fine on both Android 8.0 and 6.0.1

I couldn’t reproduce it, it happened once on my OP5T mobile. Otherwise, myself and others have been using it many times without any single crash.

I assume it has to do with GUI since the crash happened while changing orientation.
Here it is 8.1.