App Store now asking for iPad screenshots for iPhone only app

Running AppStudio The previous build that was uploaded to the App Store did not require iPad screenshots but now Apple is asking for iPad screenshots before I can submit for review. Nothing has changed in the app other than some minor text info. Why would Apple now be requiring iPad screenshots since this has been the iPhone-only version of the app?

I have always had a separate iPad version of the same app that is designed for that device, separate from the iPhone version. Is there a setting that is now required in the config.xml that targets only the iPhone and not iPads? Other than ‘platform name=“ios”’?


To avoid writing apps for the iPad I put this in my config xml file:

    <preference name="orientation" value="portrait" />
    <preference name="target-device" value="handset" />

Hope this works for you.

Thank you, falcon. That did the trick.
From further research, it seems possible that Xcode on the volt server was now including the iPad as a supported device for this app. That was not the case in the previous build.
All is well now.
Thanks again for your help!