I am thinking of adding a user sign-up and log-in to my Cordova Android & iOS app which is built with VoltBuilder.
I have no experience in setting up user log-ins or server set ups, sign-up conformation emails etc.
If possible, the log-in modal will also include a “Join Newsletter” check box which will use the MailChimp API.
I may also (at a later date) use the “user log in” to validate the users subscription (iOS/Android In app purchase subscriptions) - The app doesn’t currently have a subscription but I will likely add one at a later date for access to premium content within the app.
Reasons for a log-in screen:
So I know how many active users the app has (per platform).
Build a user database.
Build an email list.
For validating Android/iOS In-app purchases/subscriptions.
Any pointers on where to start?
Does NSB offer a paid service for assisting with this?
Ok I’ll look in to Firebase for user logins, but is likely beyond what I am capable of doing. I use a plugin for the In app messaging so is minimal code.