AppStudio 8.5 stopped starting

I was using AppStudio 8.5 and wanted to run a second instance of the program on the same computer. Failed to. I reset my computer.
The program stopped working completely. When I try to open the executable, nothing happens - no error message appears. I tried uninstalling and installing AppStudio.
I deleted the HCU\Software\NSBasic\App Studio key. The program started in demo mode. I entered the serial number. The application has stopped starting.
What should I do to make the program work again?

Log file:
2023-11-12 09:55:56,960 - main - INFO - ****************************************
2023-11-12 09:55:56,960 - main - INFO - * Welcome to NSB/AppStudio
2023-11-12 09:55:56,960 - main - INFO - * Starting at level: 10
2023-11-12 09:55:56,961 - main - INFO - * Install Dir: C:\Program Files\NSB AppStudio
2023-11-12 09:55:56,961 - main - INFO - * Frozen: True
2023-11-12 09:55:56,961 - main - INFO - ****************************************
2023-11-12 09:55:56,961 - main - INFO - * Python 3.8.10 (tags/v3.8.10:3d8993a, May 3 2021, 11:48:03) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)]
2023-11-12 09:55:56,961 - main - INFO - * wxPython 4.1.1 msw (phoenix) wxWidgets 3.1.5
2023-11-12 09:55:56,961 - main - INFO - * jsbeautifier 1.14.7
2023-11-12 09:55:56,961 - main - INFO - * paramiko 3.1.0
2023-11-12 09:55:56,961 - main - INFO - * pysftp 0.2.9
2023-11-12 09:55:56,962 - main - INFO - * PyYAML 6.0
2023-11-12 09:55:56,962 - main - INFO - * requests 2.30.0
2023-11-12 09:55:56,962 - main - INFO - * verlib (no version in module)
2023-11-12 09:55:56,962 - main - INFO - * Native OpenSSL 1.1.1k 25 Mar 2021
2023-11-12 09:55:56,962 - main - INFO - ****************************************
2023-11-12 09:55:57,036 - main - INFO - Registration: eJxNkLFOAzEMhl+l8gRSL0p …
2023-11-12 09:55:57,036 - root - ERROR - An exception has occurred!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “AppStudio.pyw”, line 294, in OnInit
KeyError: ‘Developer (Legacy)’

Same issue here, I cant open NSB AppStudio. I have tried opening the software directly and by double clicking the myapp.project file and nothing happens.

I’m using Windows 11 Pro, Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22674.1000.0
NSB AppStudio (28/09/2023)

We’ve diagnosed the problem - a fix is coming today.

This should now be resolved. Please let us know if you continue to have problems.

If if doesn’t work the first time you try, remove the registry entry. You will need to reenter your serial number.

On Windows, do the following:

  1. Start RegEdit (Windows Start button, enter regedit)
  2. Find HCU\Software\NSBasic\App Studio.
  3. Delete it.

On MacOS,

Delete ~/Library/Preferences/App Studio Preferences. (Don’t see a Library folder?)

AppStudio now works. Thank you for quickly solving the problem.

It worked for me but only after following your guide to delete the registry entry.

Thank you.