In Basic when I create an array within an array the compiler seems to get confused. For example:
Dim Tees()
if i = 0 then
Tees(0) = Array(TeeName,TeeRating,TeeSlope)
end if
translates to
if (i == 0) {
Tees[0] = new Array[TeeName][TeeRating][TeeSlope];
} else {
Push(Tees, Array[TeeName][TeeRating][TeeSlope]);
(Doesn’t this just put a single element into the Tees array? I want to put an array containing three elements (TeeName, TeeRating, and TeeSlope) into the Tees array.)
Shouldn’t it translate to
if (i == 0) {
Tees[0] = new Array(TeeName,TeeRating,TeeSlope);
} else {
Push(Tees, Array(TeeName,TeeRating,TeeSlope);
or am I doing something wrong to create an array within an array