I am trying to stick with one set of controls and would like to use pure BS to accomplish an equivalent to a JQM list.
Any suggestions for doing this easily?
I am trying to stick with one set of controls and would like to use pure BS to accomplish an equivalent to a JQM list.
Any suggestions for doing this easily?
I needed a popup list that would scroll and couldn’t see a way to do this in BS so I used the common grid. It’s versatile but more work than using a built in control.
Off topic, but does anyone know how to easily include the original text of a post? I had to copy and paste below.
Thanks, John
You wrote:
I am trying to stick with one set of controls and would like to use pure BS to accomplish an equivalent to a JQM list.
Any suggestions for doing this easily?
Ok I get it, the previous message was included in the email automatically. I guess I specified this in setup. Thats good.
Also note the word “Thats” in the last sentence. Its correctly red lined but the suggestions for a fix are “Hats”, “Thais” and “Chats”. Pretty weird. It should have “That’s”. And also notice the “Its” in the previous sentence. The spell checker is not noticing (should be “it’s”) so is not red lined.
But let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water over this nit picking.
I don’t think we have any control over the spell checker. When to use “its” vs “it’s” is a pet peeve of mine, but it is tough to do auto correction on that one.
Listgroup.nsx (23.5 KB)
I fiddled with the BS listgroup control and with a bit of injected innerHTML you can do most things.
In the attached example I add the control in a scrollable container.
Would be nice to have a bit more control on the item that is added to the list though.
Good solution, thanks, John
Thanks for the sample!
This is what I do.
Put this in Sub Main
To Add to the list:
in your loop(i)
s= "The text I am adding to list"
dbID = record["ID"] 'I use my ID value from the database
$("#List1_" & CStr(i)).data("MyID", dbID);
To get the ID value
sub listClick()
idx = $(this).data("MyID")
Works for me. Hope this helps.
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