The media component has a value in at designtime
The first onClick event produces ‘undefined’.
alerts the new value but this is not reflected in the media component.
Another issue in the same area ( hence keeping in the same thread)
With bootstrap buttons on mobile they stay ’ clicked down’ and don’t ‘come up’ until you manually click elsewhere.
I have done some searching but all these attempts fail
$(".btn").mouseup(function() {
$.jGrowl(' did it happen');
// Removes focus of the button. to make th button in mobole come back up
$(this).blur(); // should remove the focus on the selected button
$( "#btnJoinRoom1" ).trigger( "click" ); //set the focus elsewhere
$( "#txtFingerPrint" ).focus(); //set the focus elsewhere
$( "#txtFingerPrint" ).keydown(); //set the focus elsewhere