I want to write an app on Android to capture a photo from camera, then draw a circle onto the photo to highlight a part. Please suggest which control I can use.
I do this in one of my apps. All in Basic, sorry if you’re JS.
First to capture the image in a picturebox control you can use…
- Camera control and ensure the picturebox it loads to is the same aspect as your camera.
- Await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia()
If using #2 then load a video stream, first I check camera permission with this
Async Function CheckCameraPermissions()
devices = Await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()
ub = UBound(devices)
BackCameraPermission = False
FrontCameraPermission = False
For r = 0 To ub
'"Front Camera" = iOS; android includes the string "facing front" but is preceeded by "camera1 2", camera3 1" etc. Visible in the object displayed in Textarea1
If devices[r].label = "Front Camera" Or InStr(devices[r].label,"facing front") > 0 Then FrontCameraPermission = True
If devices[r].label = "Back Camera" Or InStr(devices[r].label,"facing back") > 0 Then BackCameraPermission = True
Next r
If FrontCameraPermission = False And BackCameraPermission = False Then
NSB.MsgBox("App needs permission to use the camera. In iOS goto Settings-Safari-Camera and select 'Allow'","OK","Camera permission")
End If
End Function
load the camera with this
Async Function LoadCamera()
videoObj = {"video": {facingMode: "environment"}} 'replace 'environment' with 'user' to use front camera
'Put video listeners into place
stream = Await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(videoObj)
Video1.srcObject = stream
sessionStorage.CMS_CameraLoaded = "true"
End Sub
then take a photo with this
Function TakePhoto()
w = PhotoPictureBox.Width
h = PhotoPictureBox.Height
pic = PhotoPictureBox.getContext("2d")
emptyarr = []
pic.imgQueue = emptyarr
pic.drawImage(Video1, 0, 0, w, h)
If Landscape = True Then
w = 600
h = 460
w = 460
h = 600
End If
pic2 = BigPictureBox.getContext("2d")
emptyarr = []
pic2.imgQueue = emptyarr
pic2.drawImage(Video1, 0, 0, w, h)
End Function
You can kill the camera with this but it does stuff up trying to open the camera again
Function KillCamera()
console.log("Kill camera()")
Video1.srcObject = null
tracks = stream.getTracks()
ub = UBound(tracks)
If ub >=0 Then
For r = 0 To ub
tracks[r].enabled = False
Next r
End If
Catch err
End Try
End Function
This is what I use to draw a circle on a picture
Function IEInjuryLocationPictureBox_ontouchstart(event)
TouchAvailable = True
y1=event.touches[0].pageY - 86 - IncidentEntryForm.Top
x1=event.touches[0].pageX - 113 - IncidentEntryForm.Left
console.log("ontouchstart:" & x1 & "," & y1 & event)
IEInjuryLocationPointsTextBox.value = IEInjuryLocationPointsTextBox.value & x1 & "_" & y1 & "|"
End Function
Function DrawInjuryLocation(x1,y1)
'console.log("x1:" & x1 & " y1:" & y1)
pb = IEInjuryLocationPictureBox.getContext("2d")
pb.fillStyle = vbYellow
pb.strokeStyle = vbRed
pb.lineWidth = 10
End Function