Cordova Camera and File Plugin Issue on New Android system

Take a picture, Move the file to MY App’s Photo folder…Always worked, no longer on new Android 13.

The photo plugin returns "fileURI " = file:///data/user/0/com.nsbasic.Vantastic/cache/1697768037972.jpg
(inside the cache folder of the apps sandbox). Simply passing the above file URI to the getfile() method returns a not found error. How can i convert the above “fileURI” to something that the getfile() can find? I have tried:

  1. window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(fileURI)
  2. window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.cacheDirectory) + “1697768037972.jpg”
  3. toURL(fileURI)
    Any ideas??

This code used to work, now fails wiyth code :1 — failst() below

//—Begin Photo Stuff
Mimage.onclick = function() {
options = {
quality: 75,
correctOrientation: true,
allowEdit: false,
destinationType: 1
};, onPictureError, options);
function onPictureReturned(fileURI) {
varLastSlash = InStrR(fileURI, “/”, 0);
varfileURI = fileURI;
PhotoName = Mid(fileURI, varLastSlash); //The Photo name
varPicture = Trim(gSelectedBroker) + “-” + Trim(gSelectedCategoryNumber) + “-” + Trim(gSelectedChainNumber) + “-” + Trim(gSelectedStoreNumber) + “-” + CStr(Year(varDate)) + PhotoMonth + PhotoDay + “-” + Trim(varQuestionNO);
varPicture = varPicture + “.jpg”;
function onPictureError(message) {
NSB.MsgBox("Failed because " + message);
function MovePicS() {
gfileSystem.root.getFile(varfileURI, {
create: false
}, gotFileEntryS, fail2st);
function gotFileEntryS(fe) {
FileEntry = fe;
FileEntry.moveTo(gdataDir, varPicture, SubSuccess2, fail3st);
function SubSuccess2(entry) {
//MsgBox “Successfully Moved file from Cache:” & vbCRLF & PhotoName & vbCRLF & "To Photos: " & varPicture
NSB.MsgBox(“Press [SAVE ANSWER] to Complete Process…”, 0, “Photo Successfull”);
function fail2st(error) {
NSB.MsgBox(“Error getFile(PhotoName: " + error.code + " -” + error.error + “-” + PhotoName);
function fail3st(error) {
NSB.MsgBox("Error .moveTo(gdataDir: " + error.code + " – " + error.error + “-” + varPicture);
//—End Photo Stuff

Can you share how you’ve been using resolveLocalFileSystemURL?

My Bad: Here is the VB Code, ignore above!

Global Page:

Dim gfileSystem  -- Successfully retrieved from : 
Function onDeviceReady()
  window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFileSys, fail0)
End Function
Function gotFileSys(fs)
  gfileSystem = fs  'The fileSystem object
End Function

Dim FileEntry   'The file object
Dim PhotoName   'The generated name by the android camera function
Dim varPicture   'New Name of photo
Dim varfileURI
Function onISPictureReturned(fileURI)
  varLastSlash = InStrR(fileURI, "/", 0)
  varfileURI = fileURI
  'varROOT = InStr(1,fileURI, "Android",0)
  'PhotoName = Mid(fileURI, varROOT)  'The PhoneGap root file name
  PhotoName =  Mid(fileURI, varLastSlash + 1)
  console.log("PhotoName Only:" + PhotoName)
   'Try this?
  varDate = FormatDateTime(Now, vbYYYYhyphenMMhyphenDD)
varPicture = Trim(gSelectedBroker) & "-" &  Trim(gSelectedChainNumber) & "-" & Trim(gSelectedStoreNumber) & "-" & gUPC & "-" & varDate
varPicture = varPicture & ".jpg"
Call MovePicIS()
End Function

Function MovePicIS()
'  varEntry = window.FilePath.resolveNativePath(varfileURI)
'  varEntry =  window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(varfileURI)
'  varDirectory = varEntry
  fsTemp = window.requestFileSystem(window.TEMPORARY,5 * 1024 * 1024)
    console.log("Full Path Parameter to get file: " + varDirectory + PhotoName)
  gfileSystem.root.getFile(varfileURI, { create: False }, gotFileEntryIS, fail2IS)
End Function
Function gotFileEntryIS(fe)
  FileEntry = fe
 ' FileEntry.moveTo(gdataDir, varPicture, SubSuccess2IS, fail3IS)
varDirectory = window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.dataDirectory)
varDirectory = varDirectory + "Photos"
FileEntry.moveTo(varDirectory, varPicture, SubSuccess2IS, fail3IS)
'Three lines above are a try
End Function

Function SubSuccess2IS(entry)
   'NSB.MsgBox("Use [Send Data] to Process All Photos to HQ",0,"Photo Succesfully Stored") 
End Function
Function onISPictureError(message)
  MsgBox "Failed because " & message
End Function
Function fail2IS(error)
  MsgBox "Error getting: " + error.code + " --" + PhotoName
End Function
Function fail3IS(error)
 MsgBox "Error writing: " + error.code + " -- " + varPicture 
End Function

I found the name of the photo and set:

varEntry, or varfileURI  = window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.cacheDirectory) + PhotoName   ( i.e.:  “1697768037972.jpg” )


varfileURI = window.resolve.LocalFileSystemURL(varfileURI)  -- The URI returned from the PhotoPlugin

And used it in the function:

gfileSystem.root.getFile(varfileURI, { create: False }, gotFileEntryIS, fail2IS)

I think I see the issue here. resolveLocalFileSystemURL isn’t a synchronous function. It needs a callback:

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(varfileURI, function(entry) {
  console.log("Here's the path: " + entry)

Give that a try and see if you have better luck.

That appears to error out syntax.
:Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
I tried enclosing in javascipt/End Java script. Below is what your Translator returns in java code:

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(varfileURI, Function(entry) {
        console.log("Here's the path: " + entry)
    console.log("Full Path Parameter to get file: " + varDirectory + PhotoName); gfileSystem.root.getFile(entry, {
        create: false
    }, gotFileEntryIS, fail2IS);

What is the equivalent in VBScript??


VBScript doesn’t have anonymous functions so you’ll need to make a function somewhere else, like so:

Function getFilePath(entry)
  console.log("Here's the path: " & entry)
End Function

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(varfileURI, getFilePath)

James. Thanks for your reply. It’s funny because I used that method to create the directories PDFs and Photos under the files directory in the sandbox. Nevertheless, I used your method:, onISPictureError)

End Function

Function onISPictureReturned(fileURI)
  varLastSlash = InStrR(fileURI, "/", 0)
  varfileURI = fileURI
'--------------*(see 1. Below)* 
  PhotoName =  Mid(fileURI, varLastSlash + 1)
'-------------*(see 2. Below)* 
 console.log("PhotoName Only:" + PhotoName)
  varDate = FormatDateTime(Now, vbYYYYhyphenMMhyphenDD)
varPicture = Trim(gSelectedBroker) & "-" &  Trim(gSelectedChainNumber) & "-" & Trim(gSelectedStoreNumber) & "-" & gUPC & "-" & varDate
varPicture = varPicture & ".jpg"
Call GetEntry()
End Function

Function GetEntry()
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(varfileURI, MovePicIS(entry) )
End Function
'-------------*(see 3. Below)*   
console.log("Path Parameter to get file: " + entry)
    gfileSystem.root.getFile(entry, { create: False }, gotFileEntryIS, fail2IS)
End Function
Function gotFileEntryIS(fe)
FileEntry = fe
varDirectory = window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.dataDirectory)
varDirectory = varDirectory + "Photos"
FileEntry.moveTo(varDirectory, varPicture, SubSuccess2IS, fail3IS)
'Three lines above are a try
End Function

Function SubSuccess2IS(entry)
   'NSB.MsgBox("Use [Send Data] to Process All Photos to HQ",0,"Photo Succesfully Stored") 
End Function
Function onISPictureError(message)
  MsgBox "Failed because " & message
End Function
Function fail2IS(error)
  MsgBox "Error getting: " + error.code + " --" + PhotoName
End Function
Function fail3IS(error)
 MsgBox "Error writing: " + error.code + " -- " + varPicture 
End Function

and I am getting an error Code # 5 ENCODING_ERR: here is the console output:

1.  file:///data/user/0/com.nsbasic.Vantastic/cache/1698757766619.jpg
2. PhotoName Only:1698757766619.jpg
3. Full Path Parameter to get file: undefined1698757766619.jpg ( undefined is my attempt to get error description)

Tip : If you’re pasting code, html or config files, surround the code with triple back ticks (```), before the first line and after the last one. It will be formatted properly. (We fixed it for you this time)

i should have triple-ticked the code block…next time. IN:
Path Parameter to get file: undefined1698757766619.jpg
the undefined is not the error description…it appears to be the directory where the cache directory where the photo was originally stored : file:///data/user/0/com.nsbasic.Vantastic/cache/ … weird how it is undefined BUT the file name itself is still in that string.

I think the following line is the issue:

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(varfileURI, MovePicIS(entry) )

It should be:

window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(varfileURI, MovePicIS )

Give that a try and see how it works.