Datatable highlighting

I used the datatable sample as a template. My highlighting doesn’t work - cannot figure out the problem. Any ideas? I attached the zipped project also. Thanks

// I used the array of data from the sample

// convert data into JSON format
var dataJson = JSON.stringify(dataSet)

// set up the column headings
var columnHeadings = [
            {title: "Name"},
            {title: "Position"},
            {title: "Office"},
            {title: "Extn."},
            {title: "Start date"},
            {title: "Salary", class:"text-right"}
            // these classes in DataTable documentation
function updateTable() {
  DataTable1.settings.columns = columnHeadings = dataSet

function loadTable() {
  var table = $("#DataTable1").DataTable()

function Main() {   // this is run first after everything is loaded and ready to go. 
                    // Do this with datatables as they have lots of libraries that 
                    // have to load - so give them time. 


Button4.onclick = function() {    // highlight third row
   var table
   table = $("#DataTable1").DataTable()    // creates a copy of the datatable


    if (typeof( != "object" ) { 
     return    // means didn't click in a cell
  // get the data for the cell user clicked and display
  var row,col
  row =
  col =
  NSB.MsgBox("Click on "  +  row  +  ", "  +  col  +  ". Value is '"  +  dataSet[row][col]  +  "'.")

Fliptoggle1.onchange = function() {    // turn ordering on or off
  DataTable1.settings.ordering = Fliptoggle1.value

Fliptoggle2.onchange = function() {    // turn searching on or off
  DataTable1.settings.searching = Fliptoggle2.value

btnUpdateCell.onclick=function(){  // update first cell
    dataSet[0][0] = "George"

   var table = $("#DataTable1").DataTable()
   $(table.cells().nodes()).removeClass("highlight")  // clear highlights
   $(table.column(2).nodes()).addClass("highlight")  // can do with row also
<a class="attachment" href="/uploads/db0741/original/1X/"></a> (17.4 KB)

Are you trying to highlight column 2, as per these docs?

(Also, the attachment didn’t come through)

Yes - exactly. I reattached the zipped file again too. (17.4 KB)

You also need to specify the css for highlight. In AppStudio, in the Project CSS (in the Project menu) add this:

td.highlight {
    background-color: whitesmoke !important;

You’ll see this code on that Datatables page on the CSS tab.

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Ah, makes sense. I totally missed this. Thanks

Lovely thanks George.

Dr. C