Design screen - controls dissappeared again

See my similar topic from Jan 18. Today experiments with implementing another datepicker (by tempusdominus). I tried to drag and drop a container onto the form, intending to include it afterwards into an input-group (datetimepicker1). When I moved the container in direction of the design screen the design screen went blank of controls before I could drop the container on the design screen. There at first were some characters and something like an input field on design screen. Greyed out. I only could guess that I had put a div into property style which was like the input control which was already placed. I forgot that I had not deleted the style property of form1. When I deleted this style, the screen became completely blank as shown in attached screenshot. I thought I should mention this as it had happened before and a bugfix was intended.

Can you reproduce this? If we had a step by step for this, I’m sure we could figure out what is going on.

Here are the latest log entries. The latest (14:47….) is the original project Fristen. Fristen opened again, with design screen. The copy (FristenExperimente) did not until I had repaired a property entry.

A zip file of the faulty project is attached.

Certainly there are errors I caused in the code while I implemented the new datepicker step by step.

This datepicker needs “data-target=“…e.g…#datetimepicker1” within the html of the input control. Because I thought this not to be a class I wondered where to insert it in the control’s properties. So I obviously had done the wrong thing putting it into style property.

After the crash I finally removed this entry from style property and the design screen reappeared.

I hope to find where to apply data-target=“datetimepicker1” to the input control without causing the design screen crash again.

It is easy to write the complete input-group code with the divs and the control in html code. Yet I did and do not get how to do this with html without interfering with the divs and the input control already positioned in design screen.


2019-02-12 14:43:56,453 - main - INFO - ****************************************

2019-02-12 14:43:56,453 - main - INFO - * Welcome to NSB/AppStudio

2019-02-12 14:43:56,453 - main - INFO - * Starting at level: 10

2019-02-12 14:43:56,453 - main - INFO - * Install Dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\NSB AppStudio

2019-02-12 14:43:56,453 - main - INFO - * Frozen: True

2019-02-12 14:43:56,453 - main - INFO - ****************************************

2019-02-12 14:43:56,453 - main - INFO - * Python 2.7.13 (v2.7.13:a06454b1afa1, Dec 17 2016, 20:42:59) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]

2019-02-12 14:43:56,453 - main - INFO - * wxPython msw (classic)

2019-02-12 14:43:56,454 - main - INFO - * ecdsa 0.13

2019-02-12 14:43:56,454 - main - INFO - * jsbeautifier 1.5.4

2019-02-12 14:43:56,454 - main - INFO - * paramiko 1.15.2

2019-02-12 14:43:56,454 - main - INFO - * pycrypto 2.6.1

2019-02-12 14:43:56,454 - main - INFO - * pysftp 0.2.8

2019-02-12 14:43:56,454 - main - INFO - * PyYAML 3.11

2019-02-12 14:43:56,454 - main - INFO - * requests 2.10.0

2019-02-12 14:43:56,456 - main - INFO - * six 1.10.0

2019-02-12 14:43:56,456 - main - INFO - * verlib (no version in module)

2019-02-12 14:43:56,456 - main - INFO - * Native OpenSSL 1.0.2j 26 Sep 2016

2019-02-12 14:43:56,456 - main - INFO - * Python OpenSSL 1.0.2h 3 May 2016

2019-02-12 14:43:56,456 - main - INFO - * ndg.httpsclient (no version in module)

2019-02-12 14:43:56,456 - main - INFO - ****************************************

2019-02-12 14:43:56,599 - main - INFO - Registration: eJxNUEFuhDAM/MrK1wJyKOxCjlV/0O0ZBWKqSCGwNqxaVf17E+hKtXywxqOZsb/hTixuDqDhUmCBkIF3AwWhiLzSnfy8EEfUOjG9Jwt6NF4og2CmxHkhDvb0Nk/TThNiZ3zE38s2P2ObK3WN8MI0ElMYSECHzfsMmG4bydpZsyadElWTY5M/47VEXde6bp8QNaZED6qxlkmiAjRVoepLoc5VUbX/0nVMRtI1h0fvvHfhoxt3hTB8PRZ/N3b0uTg26/EAjJXvfdqdD3PZehnYLYnUyWrWLQWIQ7DGz4Hg5xeb0mcW

2019-02-12 14:43:56,694 - requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool - INFO - Starting new HTTPS connection (1):

2019-02-12 14:44:02,403 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _form

2019-02-12 14:44:02,404 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:44:02,404 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:44:03,101 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _form

2019-02-12 14:44:03,105 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:44:03,107 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:44:03,549 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Dashboard Access has a bad enum value: False

2019-02-12 14:44:03,552 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:44:03,555 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _dbfiles

2019-02-12 14:44:03,562 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:44:03,566 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: id

2019-02-12 14:44:03,568 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - BabelOnDeploy has a bad enum value:

2019-02-12 14:44:03,959 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _form

2019-02-12 14:44:03,960 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:44:03,960 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:44:04,151 - - WARNING - Exception while converting result to json.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “appstudio\editor\”, line 835, in _run_script

File “”, line 339, in loads

File “json\”, line 364, in decode

File “json\”, line 382, in raw_decode

ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded

2019-02-12 14:44:04,151 - - WARNING - Document UUID () did not match stored UUID (f7133a8bc99b4e3f9c3ee24b86993607)!

2019-02-12 14:44:09,384 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _form

2019-02-12 14:44:09,384 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:44:09,384 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:44:09,384 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _functions

2019-02-12 14:44:12,305 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _form

2019-02-12 14:44:12,306 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:44:12,306 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:44:12,306 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _functions

2019-02-12 14:47:20,792 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _form

2019-02-12 14:47:20,793 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:47:20,795 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:47:21,323 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _form

2019-02-12 14:47:21,325 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:47:21,328 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:47:21,789 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Dashboard Access has a bad enum value: False

2019-02-12 14:47:21,792 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:47:21,795 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _dbfiles

2019-02-12 14:47:21,802 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:47:21,808 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: id

2019-02-12 14:47:21,808 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - BabelOnDeploy has a bad enum value:

2019-02-12 14:47:22,184 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _form

2019-02-12 14:47:22,184 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _parent

2019-02-12 14:47:22,186 - PropertiesPanel - WARNING - Property does not exist: _uuid

2019-02-12 14:47:22,296 - - WARNING - Exception while converting result to json.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File “appstudio\editor\”, line 835, in _run_script

File “”, line 339, in loads

File “json\”, line 364, in decode

File “json\”, line 382, in raw_decode

ValueError: No JSON object could be decoded

2019-02-12 14:47:22,299 - - WARNING - Document UUID () did not match stored UUID (d9924752b4da4c25aceca4f03db88361)! (1.26 MB)

Very strange. After having the design screen displayed again, with all controls,

I again entered texts like “data-target …” into style properties. The design screen did not disappear again …

This leaves the one and only idea that the empty design screen happened while I attempted to drag and drop a container.

My construction still does not work. I assume that this is another issue.

I attempt to get this done:

            <div class="input-group date" id="datetimepicker4" data-target-input="nearest">

                <input type="text" class="form-control datetimepicker-input" data-target="#datetimepicker4"/>

                <div class="input-group-append" data-target="#datetimepicker4" data-toggle="datetimepicker">

                    <div class="input-group-text"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></div>




Next step. Tried to do it without icon.

Inserted the needed “data-toggle=“datetimepicker” data-target="#datetimepicker1" into style property of input control. Design disappeared. Deleted the entry at style property: Design screen with all controls shown.

data-toggle and data-target are “attributes”. So I could enter these in attribute property, without design screen crash.

Now I get these errors:

tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_options’ of undefined

at HTMLInputElement. (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7)

at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery3.js:2)

at HTMLDocument.y.handle (jquery3.js:2)

at Object.trigger (jquery3.js:2)

at Object.simulate (jquery3.js:2)

at HTMLDocument.n (jquery3.js:2)

(anonymous) @ tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7

dispatch @ jquery3.js:2

y.handle @ jquery3.js:2

trigger @ jquery3.js:2

simulate @ jquery3.js:2

n @ jquery3.js:2

tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘_options’ of undefined

at HTMLInputElement. (tempusdominus-bootstrap-4.min.js:7)

at HTMLDocument.dispatch (jquery3.js:2)

at HTMLDocument.y.handle (jquery3.js:2)

at Object.trigger (jquery3.js:2)

at Object.simulate (jquery3.js:2)

at HTMLDocument.n (jquery3.js:2)

at (hfunc.js:3646)

at Object.NSB.MsgBox (hfunc.js:3358)

at window.onerror (hfunc.js:4031)

I was just typing a message to that effect - those are attributes, not styles.

When I paste this into the attributes of a BS4 Input control, I do not get an error.

I did not get this message yet. But I detected this (attribute property) meanwhile. Then I got another error, which comes from tempusdominus. See my email answering one of your emails directly. Somebody suggested a workaround to use class datetimepicker instead of class datetimepicker-input. Without -input the datepicker appears, w/o error, but rather invisible behind the next controls. So the initial question/issue is resolved. Design screen crash happened presumably because I put attributes at style property.