Error: Private app limit reached

If you try to Make Native App with PhoneGap Build using the AppStudio built in account, you’ll get this message:


This is caused by a change PhoneGap made to their servers. We’re trying to reach them to get this fixed.

In the meantime, here’s a workaround:

  1. Go to PhoneGap Build’s site and set up an account. The free account is fine.

  2. Follow these instructions to get your AuthToken and enter it into AppStudio:

  3. Run Make Native App with PhoneGap Build as usual.

  4. The free account only allows one app to be uploaded at a time. You can delete the app on the site to upload different one.

This will work for all registered users.

We will update this thread as we hear more.

We’ve made a change so this should work again. Apps posted to this account won’t be available for as long - depending on the load on the server, we remove the oldest submissions.

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