Form editor suggestion - centering items behavior

After editing a few different forms for hours on end while testing with multiple types of devices I noticed something when placing objects in the editor that would be extra helpful.

The right click ‘Center on form’ options do work but they place the item by setting a static pixel value for the Left or Top property. Since screen sizes change, I can’t use that. So I replace them with something like this which dynamically places the image centered.

Left: calc(50% - 98px/2)

Where the 98px is the actual image width at that time.

Would it be possible to have an option to change the behavior of the “Center in Form” feature to place something like the above value in the Left / Top field instead of the static value it does now?
At the moment, the “Center in form” right click options are really only useful for prototyping.


I’ll open an issue to see if that is possible.

(There are hundreds of jokes and cartoons about css centering on the web.)