Get and display BuildCounter and Version within Android and Apple App

Is it possible to get the values of BuildCounter and Version and display inside app? Like an “About” display.

Version 7.5.6
Build 785

Using the same values that are pulled into the config.xml

android-versionCode = “{phoneGapBuildCounter}”
ios-CFBundleVersion = “{phoneGapBuildCounter}”
version = “{version}”>

Seems like it should be easy but I know i am missing something.

The build counter isn’t - but it might be possible to expose it. (This is only useful for native apps. It’s there since the app stores need a unique version number.

The version available - it’s in AppVersion:


Thanks George

BuildCounter is now available in 9.1.1, released today.

Awesome but I get this error in program or on website directly when i try to download new version.

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.


I took out some which looked like it shouldn’t be on the public site

There was a problem on our server. Please try again.

All good. Thx!