Getting index from Dropdown

How do I get the index from a Dropdown (BS5) control? Index being the number of the item selected, i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. I want to use that number in a calculation. I keep getting “NaN” when I try to show it in a MsgBox.

There is no easy way to do this right now. We have added an index property in the next build - let us know if you need early access.

Hi George,

It’s an app for the Italian govt to disseminate screening/prevention information to seniors. At this point I’ll have them review the UI and get their input, so no urgent need.

Appreciate the addition of an index property, I rely on it a lot for calculating risk scores (in this case for depression and alcohol use screening, and breast cancer risk).



Thanks. The next build will be out soon.