Google Play Issued App Key Certificates

Two Certificates issued

  1. App signing key certificate
    This is the public certificate for the app signing key that Google uses to sign each of your releases. Use it to register your key with API providers.
    The app signing key itself is not accessible, and is kept on a secure Google server.

2)Upload key certificate
This is the public certificate for your private upload key. Use your upload key to sign each release so that Google knows that updates are from you.
Use the certificate below to register your upload key with API providers.

Question- Do I put both certificates in my certificate folder and then set the Android app signinig Path to Google play Upload key certificate in my project propoerties? (Instead of using my standard app Key cetificate)


Solved, I just put both above mentioned Certificates and the PEPK key certificate in the certificate folder in my main Project folder. Built through Volt builder and the app uploaded to google play store without incident. Weather I needed to do this or not I don’t know, but it worked.

Yes, that is the correct procedure.