Grid (HTML Table) th styling

I’m trying to put some styling in the project’s global css to affect the styling of headers of all tables in my project. I tried this…

th {
  padding: 20px;
  background-color: steelblue;

but it doesn’t seem to overrule it’s default styling. Any help appreciated.

Styling is applied as the style sheets are processed, hence the name CSS (“Cascading Style Sheets”). New rules overide previous ones.

You can see how they are applied by right clicking on an element in the browser and choosing Inspect.

The Elements tab will then show all the rules which apply to the element. If a rule is replaced by a later rule, you will see it crossed out in the Styles sub tab.

You may need to apply your rule rule to each table.

Thank you.

.NSB_Grid th {
  padding: 20px;
  background-color: steelblue;

worked for me. Saves a few for loops in my code.