Hyperlink not firing on HTML view on mobile

Click deals tab
Scroll to deal no 600
Click show details
The hyperlink to the ‘Argos Pricing’ fires on desktop and Android but not on IOS 11


Steve Warby

Sorry - app gets errors when I try it:

try SurplusAnywhere

There seems to be a caching error
this seems to clear it

I don’t see anything obviously wrong with the HTML.

Do you have a Mac? Do you know how to connect it to the device to debug remotely?

I’m not getting an error.

Any links in the HTMLview in modal page just don’t fire.

The same links work in the datatable ( ie they open a new window).

I am on a mac if I use responsive mode the links work okay. ( presume because I am using a mouse)

I have checked with the remote debugger but no errors show.

I can click on the link and the link changes to underline.


Steve Warby

Do you find that the links have opened in the browser after you close your app? On iOS I am having that problem. Hyperlinks work in desktop and Android but on iOS clicking a link seems to do nothing until I close the app and find out that it loaded in the browser but doesn’t come to the forefront.