Iframe in safari not work with external url

Hi @ghenne

i am trying to put a Google Drive video into a iframe in my app, but CROSS-SITE TRACKING is not allowing play de video.

how do you do guys with youtube component to run external url?

<iframe frameBorder=0 src='https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CQvUDXYEMgxJed3UmN8qcNUNL_W32J_D/preview' width='100%' height='617px' allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Are there any error messages?

(@VagnerBertoni - no need to put my name on new issues. With an issue like this, which really isn’t a problem with AppStudio itself, you want answers from anyone who can help)

no error is screen, i did search in web its look like something in apple security cause drive redirect the link…the play imagem is in screen but do not play…

Sounds like you need to check for error messages on the remote browser console.