I am currently seeing the geolocation not working when in the app, if I exit and return the position is captured. Is this somehow being blocked by CSP? I have tried adding to the extra headers but it does not seem to help fix the issue.
I have exactly the same problem as you on iOS
I noticed that deviceready is not firing at all until you close the application and open again. (I put a msgbox just to make sure, never gets shown until i close the app and open again, then it is shown)
Not only that, it ask if you want to use Location Service when you exit the application, but if you look in location services, at least in my case, my application is not listed.
It was working OK before. I don;t think it has anything to do with the iOS version because old Builds work OK.
yea, I added:
default-src ‘self’ gap://ready; style-src * ‘unsafe-inline’; script-src * ‘unsafe-inline’ ‘unsafe-eval’; media-src * blob:; img-src * data:; connect-src *;
to contentSecurityPolicy and now deviceready fires right away and i get asked if I want to allow access to Location and evrything is working like a charm again.