Json to sqlite database

Can SQLImport() import JSON to SQLite?

It’s a qualified yes.

It’s designed to work with data which has been output by SQLExport(). It has not only the actual data, but the statements to create the database:

  "dbname": "customer.db",
  "dbver": "",
  "ddl": {
    "drops": ["DROP table IF EXISTS customerData"],
    "tables": ["CREATE TABLE customerData('name', 'address1', 'address2', 'age', 'sales', PRIMARY KEY('name') )"],
    "creates": []
  "dml": [{
    "sql": "INSERT INTO customerData (name, address1, address2, age, sales) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
    "params": [
      ["Customer0", "0 Winding River Lane", "Anytown USA 100000", 67, 99656],
      ["Customer1", "1 Winding River Lane", "Anytown USA 100001", 77, 26272],
      ["Customer2", "2 Winding River Lane", "Anytown USA 100002", 31, 79195]