Local Path in Tools/Preferences

I have Windows 10
My xampp http folder is D:/www
My app project is called “projectshop”.

In AppStudio in Tools / Preferences / Local Path I set the folder: D:\www
Then all project files are sent to D:\www\ such as index.html
So the location of the index.html file is: D:\www\index.html

When I set Local Path to e.g.:
Then all given files are copied to D:/www/shop/projectshop/…
So the location is: D:\www\shop\projectshop\index.html

A folder of the project name is added

I don’t get it :frowning:

I’m not sure I understand what your question is. Can you explain some more?

I create a new project called MyProjectName
In Preferentials Local Path I set to D:\www

I press Deploy

The index.html file is in the D:\www\index.html folder

Now I would like the index.html file to be in a new folder, e.g. shop. So in Local Path I enter D:\www\shop

I press Deploy
Why did the MyProjectName folder appear now?
The index.html file is not in D:\www\shop but in D:\www\shop\MyProjectName

I had a look at the source code. ‘www’ is indeed handled differently - it’s a special case for how VoltBuilder works.

Does it work as you would expect if you change the ‘www’ to something else?

I came across a strange case, it’s normal for me :sweat_smile:. It doesn’t bother me.

It would be ideal if you could define exactly what the final folder should be. For example, by adding a checkBox.

It would be the height of dreams if you could also define the name “index.html” to your own and the name “code.js” to your own. Thanks to this, you could place different programs in the same folder.

Thank you for the suggestion!