Looking for beta testers who use PhoneGap

We’re testing some new stuff for PhoneGap. If you’re on AppStudio 8 and using PhoneGap Build, please let us know. We’d love to have you give the new stuff a try.

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PhoneGap - I’ll try, as I do want to get android and ios apps going some day.

I’ll stay away from Cordova (cli) for now.

Yes, I would like to participate. I am using or at least trying PGB with all apps. Solely for Android. I am ready if this meets your requirements (without iOS).

I’d be happy to give it a try. I’m a regular PhoneGap user.

Thanks everyone so far - we could use a few more!

Would also be happy to try the beta since I rely heavily on the Phonegap Build service for all my apps.

I have not upgraded to 8.0x yet but will do so shortly.

Hi, I use Phonegap build all the time for all my apps and am happy to help.

Thanks! You’re on the list.