Make Native app with cordova

Hello, could you help me configure.
“Make Native app with cordova”
follow the instructions in the link
I don’t know what the error is …

the error that appears in AppStudio is very basic does not specify the error.
"keytool not found. Install Java Development Kit (JDK).
Android SDK Manager (sdkmanager) not found.
Android Virtual Device Manager (avdmanager) not found.

Please see the Cordova article in the AppStudio Wiki for information on how to install the Cordova prequisites.

Close to continue."

Thank you, excuse my english

instale Node

Version Java


Android SDK

Setting environment variables
variable 1

First question:

Why are you using Cordova? VoltBuilder isn’t free, but it saves you a LOT of this kind of grief!

for economic reasons I do not use VoltBuilder.
My App is still not profitable to cover all expenses.

You from the company, can make an option or alternative like VoltBuilder a free version

Getting the Cordova toolchain properly configured is often a problem - that is why we made VoltBuilder. Here’s a white paper which discusses some of the issues.

Debugging installations of the Cordova toolchain is out of scope for our support - it’s not our product. There are lots of resources (often contradictory) online which may help. You’re not the first to have trouble with this.

We tried to keep the cost of VoltBuilder as low as possible - even giving a discount to AppStudio subscribers. But it’s still expensive to run reliable servers 24x7 as well as support them.

what is the error cordova preflight check

Before AppStudio submits your project to your local copy of Cordova, it does a check to see if all the components Cordova needs are in place.

Did you do all the steps in the Prerequisites section of this page?

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