New post,Android 14 not ready

I use <engine nam…“13.0.0”/>,but it says android 14 is needed,and SDK 34
When I use "14.0.0/>,the voltbuilder complaints as above PNG.?

This appears as if you are trying to use engine 14 (which does not exist). Can you share your config.xml?

xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8.log (2.1 KB)
I deleted always previous aab at Google play console,create a new release(android13),upload,it still says it needs android 14,can’t save at the page of play console,so couldn’t proceed…

I thought I made it correct to 34,what went wrong?

I know pro_cert meant this step are important for starters.i agreed your reminder is timely …thanks,tst

I believe the targetSdkVersion preference should be in an android platform tag.

Done.the Google play console says"
we will block releases that don’t include the permission in the manifest file when targeting Android 13."
But I couldn’t find such info on the web…

xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8.log (2.4 KB)
My pc system date is 8july2024,but the violation date is 4july2024?
Seems that this time,I got the permission right,see log attached.

I wrongly placed part of my admob code at main function,already sent for review,now just wait and rdgs,tst

My altered admob code

''Yes/No Prompt. Call yesNoDone when finished
Dim Title
Title = "load advertisement"
NSB.MsgBox(yesNoDone,"Do you like to load advertisement?(receive non-personalized ads)", vbYesNo+vbQuestion, Title)
End Function
Sub yesNoDone(result)
  'If yn = 1 Then
  '  Exit Sub
  'End If
  If result = vbYes Then 
    Call reqconsent()
    Call receiveconsent()
    Call sdstart()
    Call adm()
    NSB.MsgBox("Thank you!ad loaded!")
    NSB.MsgBox("ok,ad not loaded!")
  End If  
End Sub

Function Button12_onclick()
''Yes/No Prompt. Call yesNoDone when finished
Dim Title
Title = "load advertisement"
NSB.MsgBox(yesNoDone,"Do you like to load advertisement?(receive non-personalized ads)", vbYesNo+vbQuestion, Title)
End Function
Sub yesNoDone(result)
  'If yn = 1 Then
  '  Exit Sub
  'End If
  If result = vbYes Then 
    Call reqconsent()
    Call receiveconsent()
    Call sdstart()
    Call adm()
    NSB.MsgBox("Thank you!ad loaded!")
    NSB.MsgBox("ok,ad not loaded!")
  End If  
End Sub

Function reqconsent()
 document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
  if (cordova.platformId === 'ios') {
    const status = await consent.trackingAuthorizationStatus()
      0 = notDetermined
      1 = restricted
      2 = denied
      3 = authorized
    const statusNew = await consent.requestTrackingAuthorization()

  const consentStatus = await consent.getConsentStatus()
  if (consentStatus === consent.ConsentStatus.Required) {
    await consent.requestInfoUpdate()

  await consent.loadAndShowIfRequired()

  if (await consent.canRequestAds()) {
    // request ads
}, false)
  End JavaScript
  End Function
Function sdstart()
   document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
   await admob.start()},false)
 End JavaScript
End Function

Function receiveconsent()
 document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
   interstitial = new admob.InterstitialAd({
    adUnitId: 'ca-app-pub-283166',
    npa: '1',
End JavaScript
End Function

Function adm()
document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
  interstitial = new admob.InterstitialAd({
    adUnitId: 'ca-app-pub-283166',
  interstitial.on('load', (evt) => {

  await interstitial.load()
}, False)

document.addEventListener('', async () => {
  // Once a interstitial ad is shown, it cannot be shown again.
  // Starts loading the Next interstitial ad as soon as it is dismissed.
  await interstitial.load()
End JavaScript
End Function

Function reqconsent()
 document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
  if (cordova.platformId === 'ios') {
    const status = await consent.trackingAuthorizationStatus()
      0 = notDetermined
      1 = restricted
      2 = denied
      3 = authorized
    const statusNew = await consent.requestTrackingAuthorization()

  const consentStatus = await consent.getConsentStatus()
  if (consentStatus === consent.ConsentStatus.Required) {
    await consent.requestInfoUpdate()

  await consent.loadAndShowIfRequired()

  if (await consent.canRequestAds()) {
    // request ads
}, false)
  End JavaScript
  End Function
Function sdstart()
   document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
   await admob.start()},false)
 End JavaScript
End Function

Function receiveconsent()
 document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
   interstitial = new admob.InterstitialAd({
    adUnitId: 'ca-app-pub-283166',
    npa: '1',
End JavaScript
End Function

Function adm()
document.addEventListener('deviceready', async () => {
  interstitial = new admob.InterstitialAd({
    adUnitId: 'ca-app-pub-283166',
  interstitial.on('load', (evt) => {

  await interstitial.load()
}, False)

document.addEventListener('', async () => {
  // Once a interstitial ad is shown, it cannot be shown again.
  // Starts loading the Next interstitial ad as soon as it is dismissed.
  await interstitial.load()
End JavaScript
End Function

I am confused at app id and app unit id,which one is ca-app-pub-xxx/yyy,which one is ca-app-pub-xxx.can anyone point it up to me? or both is ca-app-pub-xxx/yyy?where do I find it on admob personal site? I can see my app on play store,but still no ad served…thanks in advance,tst
My app id is ca-app-pub-xxx/yyy,and my app unit id is ca-app-pub-xxx.and I on the right track?

config.log (2.4 KB)
Voltbuilder.2024-07-11 22-52-31.log (32.1 KB)
Can anyone try to spot whether this 2 log got any problem with my struggling android 14 built? Thanks in advance,tst

My updated config
xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8.log (2.5 KB)

What is the problem? The log looks to be successful.

Does the log says android 14 successful?this is my concern.i didn’t seem to find this statement…thanks in advance,tst

It says it is targeting API level 34, which is Android 14.

But my prelaunch report shows this…

Are you certain this warning is for the new version and not the existing version?

There is an android 14 confirmed line at Google play console,coexist with no android 14 detected warning.anyway,now my problem seems to be some err in my admob personal site there a step by step walkthrough for the admob site?as always,no ad showing in my production aab.thanks in advance,tst