New project not open in chrome

Can you look in the About Screen’s View Log? Anything there?

appstudio.log (3.4 MB). In open log folder, appstudio-latest is empty

No clues there. Can you zip your project folder and send it directly to me? I’d like to try it here. (100.6 KB)

Try every method. Couldn’t sent. Anyway this app is meant to be freeware.

I am able to reproduce the problem here. We’ll work on it.

Thanks in advance. Keep the spirit. NSB.

The problem is in your config.xml. You have this line:

<engine name="android" spec ="{9.0.0}"/ >

It should be

<engine name="android" spec="9.0.0" />

However, since 9.0.0 is the current version, you don’t need this line at all.

I still get android. Debug. Apk. The timing is correct but voltbuilder still enoent err. Got 12 unknown err,
. Scan qrcode, 90% then stop.

I guess it is because the files in the properties after project save, go back to default. Ie. Not updated.

Another thing might be I didn’t supply any icon n splash screen files and I don’t know is there extra things to key in appstudio in this regards. (icon properties, splash screen properties)

The type of build is set in Project Properties, in the VoltBuilder section. See Cordova Command.

In that same section, specify an icon and a splash screen. AppStudio will then create all the icon and splash size variations.

I seem able to get android. Release now. I go into android play console and see a unknown 14.apk
.i have English and Chinese in my app. The console says :some language have errors.

Can you try to explain what you are seeing more clearly, maybe with some screen shots?

How am I going to keep both language without paying?

I like to take the time to thanks the nsb team for their marvelous support and I am greatly appreciate and enjoyed the nsb appstudio 8 product.for those in doubt,
Please bear in mind that it is very difficult to maintain such a product, expecially in converting basic to java script. For me, this is the only product I am comfortable with. Even without much experience with javascipt and css;only with basic language, I can have local deploy, pc exe and android apk. Oh, best of the world! best rdgs tst

My app has English and Chinese. Console option:choose language, buy a translation

Please ignore previous post, I deleted black coloured text and reposted everything again. So far so good. Do I need at lease 3 release, different version(open testing, close testing, internal sharing) to complete the task?

Please ignore previous post. I use appstudio generated key. Creat 2 project (2 diff folder) under a same folder. I think both keystore is different. See attached

VoltBuilderNew2020.log (39.2 KB)

Does android.Release.apk created by voltbuilder renamed to MentalHelp. Apk cause this error?