New project not open in chrome

My new project can’t open in chrome. It can local deploy. Create pc exe under antivirus permission. The voltbuilder folder is deleted possibly by antivirus. When setting android debug or release(voltbuilder). Both gives android. Debug apk. I have around 20 responsive forms, just text. No plug in.
Please advice.

Sorry. Remember seted to voltbuilder. Don’t know why it comes to phone gap section.

Can you explain your question a bit better?

What I wanted is a android release apk via voltbuilder. I set to android debug. It gives me android. Debug. I set to android release it also creates android.Debug apk. Is it crucial to have voltbuilder folder in the project folder? I don’t have voltbuilder folder

AppStudio generates the VoltBuilder folder automatically - so don’t worry about that.

Do you have a keystore file and passwords set in VoltBuilder Project Properties?

Yes, I have a keystore file and now I found the voltbuilder at c:\user…

So are you OK now?

I still get android. Debug apk. The log shows(android: error:command failed with enoent:) android list target spawn android enoent. Anyway, what is the value for keystoretype… Thanks in advance.

keystoretype? What is that?

In cordova build. Json, there is a keystoretype’’: “”,

When I search for java. It says need to pay to use. So I downloaded openjdk-14.0.2_windows-x64_bin (1)
But I couldn’t key in keystore password(cursor doesn’t move)
So where else can I download java sdk to exe keytool?

I scan the qrcode, it downloads 90% then stop, nothing happen next.

I am very very confused now. Do you have one problem or 3?

OK, let’s go back to the top list
. Whether or not setting release or debug. I get the same debug built. As I have stated. Enoent err. See previous 8/12.sorry.if i had disoriented you.

Can you give me the build number? It should be on the VoltBuilder Status screen.

That build is too old for me to check. Can you build again?

I’ll accessing my pc 9hrs later. Tmr morning and afternoon free.

This build is too old for me to access. Could you submit to VoltBuilder again and post the updated VoltBuilder Status?

After I try made native app with voltbuilder, nothing happens, I can trick anywhere in appstudio. If I get voltbuilder build status, it downloads android.debug to d:. 2020-08-18 23:19:48…if I make native app with phone gap build. It shows 2020-08-27 22:41:50, downloaded mh_Project1 1.apk,i don’t know this is debug or release built.