GitHub is a web service to help you organize and manage your projects. At its core, it runs a version control system called git. As git is not user friendly enough for most users, GitHub Inc. created a web interface and backend for git, making it much easier to use and extending its features. As of June 2018, over 57 million projects were hosted on GitHub. On June 4, 2018, Microsoft announced it had reached an agreement to acquire GitHub.
Advantages of using GitHub are:
- Version Control: Each change to your project is recorded. You can see when changes were made and by who.
- Branching: You can checkpoint a project at a certain point and easily go back to that point. For example, you could have an experimental branch without disturbing the main project.
- Issues: You can track bugs and the work to be done on the project.
- Milestones: You can group your issues in milestones, with a due date.
- Developers: If there are multiple developers on a project, GitHub makes sure they do not overwrite each others work. It also allows the team to communicate effectively with one another.
- Backup: You will now have another backup of your project.
- Replication: Want to install your project to another system? You can clone it anywhere there is an internet connection.
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