Newest n oldest iphone 4 testing

Hi,does anyone knows,for current appstudio ipa testing,what is the newest and oldest iphone ,for testing purposes,and accepted by apple ,testing for final ipa release.iphone is a must,right?

It’s actually the version of iOS which is important.

According to Apple, 90% of devices are on iOS 15 and 14.

Hi,let me put it another way ;it couldn’t be all old type of iphone could support os 14 or,i dont believe iphone 2 could support this os.prove me wrong…best rdgs,tst

This isn’t an AppStudio question.

Check Apple’s docs or Wikipedia to find out which versions of iOS are supported by various devices.

Noted with thanks,tst

I guess you should look at which minimum iOS version runs PWA well, as this is the WebApp standard for now.

Greatly appreciate your suggestion.but,i guess currently ,my focus is apk and perhaps,in future, rdgs,tst