Now that data policy solved,now,add to home screen issue

(1) I wanted the pwa created by nsb appstudio to able to add to home screen on an iPhone ,but web says iPhone don’t allow for add to home screen,is this true?if not,how to made it work?(2)I would like pwa created by nsb app studio to be able to add to home screen on my android phone( around a year).but George says it must be hosted at Https:… For this to work.can able to work in this aspect? Thanks in advance,tst

(1)I think apple simply blocks pwa,so there is no single way out.i think their iPhone policy ,more than,$99,I couldn’t recall,is simply too high for me.(2)for android,may be just have a fun with it.but putting pwa on https simply isn’t my way of doing.(Ha,I means couldn’t be done,for rdgs,TsTan

  1. PWAs can be added to the iPhone home screen. GeekChamp has a tutorial on how to use PWAs on iPhones.
  2. HTTPS is required, but any host will work with AppStudio. is a great cost-effective option that only charges you for what you use. HTTPS is basically free at this point because of Let’s Encrypt.

can I upload my pwa created by appstudio to using their upload tool?or,preferable upload using appstudio ide,as I don’t know much on web site rdgs,tst
Another thing,for payment,maybe I would tried PayPal,but how do I save the user name and how to authenticate the user?

Is auth0 free plan easy to use?

You can upload to using the AppStudio IDE and SFTP. However, if you need authentication you may want to look at VoltServer - it provides authentication, hosting, and can be used with PayPal/Stripe - and it’s free with an AppStudio subscription.

We have also used Auth0, but I would not say it’s as easy and VoltServer to get up and running.

[(1)although is cheap,but my profighter app is memory/bandwidth would cost me a huge it might not be a best option.(2)i like the idea of nsb web hosting,but I don’t know how to go about implementing it,I don’t understand the process of nsb web host creation.(3)I think I couldn’t implement auth0,as u mentioned it is more difficult than nsb web hosting.(4)msix cert is too expensive.]so,I should be contended with android app publishing in the mean time.Thanks for your help,I mean it,tst

You should be able to find some help here: First app - NSB App Studio

Reading from the link,I seems quite simple.i’ll keep on trying volt!will write something on my hosting and volt hosting if I could manage to do it,1 or both…best rdgs,tst