I have some simple POC code - the message boxes never show up. If replaced with alert()'s - no problem. Is there some kind of a delay with the message boxes? Can they be ‘made’ to work (since alerts are so ugly)? Thanks -
function getRandom(max,min) {
return parseInt(Math.random() * (max - min) + min)
var cont = true
var number = 0
while (cont == true) {
number = getRandom(20,1)
console.log("Random number: " + number)
var guess = + prompt("Guess a number between 1 and 20")
if (guess == number) {
NSB.MsgBox("You are right!",0,"Response")
console.log("guess is : " + guess + " and you are right!")
} else
NSB.MsgBox("You are wrong",0,"Response")
cont = confirm("Do you want to continue?")