Old Project in version 8 not open in Chrome

hi again… i am upgrading many old projects and one by one have a surprise…
one of them run,complie, get ready in bottom status bar, but not open chrome… I closed all pagens, reboot windowns, opened just appstudio and run… not chrome page opens, and no error shows…
any tip? the olnly difference from this project is some olds jqm objetcts, buttons and panel…

What happens if you run the project? Any errors in the Chrome Console?

chrome not open… simple… project compile, done… but chrome not open

That’s odd - it should definitely start in Chrome.

In the About screen, there is a Log button. Anything there?

Where is Log button?

It’s on the AppStudio About screen. It’s called View Log.

Follow the last few log lines:

2020-08-17 14:43:16,964 - JFormat - ERROR - TOOLBOX/PROJECT BUG! FIX ME!
2020-08-17 14:43:16,964 - JFormat - ERROR - borderWidth.isdigit()
2020-08-17 14:43:16,964 - JFormat - ERROR - 'int' object has no attribute 'isdigit'
2020-08-17 14:43:16,980 - JFormat - ERROR - TOOLBOX/PROJECT BUG! FIX ME!
2020-08-17 14:43:16,980 - JFormat - ERROR - borderWidth.isdigit()
2020-08-17 14:43:16,981 - JFormat - ERROR - 'int' object has no attribute 'isdigit'
2020-08-17 14:43:20,915 - root - ERROR - An exception has occurred!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "MainFrame.py", line 2271, in OnToolClickStart
  File "MainFrame.py", line 2122, in OnMenuRunStartInDesktopBrowserMenu
  File "IDEController.py", line 67, in wrapper
  File "IDEController.py", line 1889, in LocalDeploy
  File "c:\program files\python38\lib\encodings\cp1252.py", line 23, in decode
UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x8d in position 403179: character maps to <undefined>

What version of AppStudio are you using?

Does your index.html file have any special characters in it?

index.hml is not gererated…

What is 403179?

i have no idea, index.html not appears to see the line…

One more info, i did compile to a folder and index id generated in folder to export, no errors in index.html, but not run in browser after compile (f5)

appstudio last version no updates need it

Same with me. Initially half of all form, can run in chrome. After adding all forms, chrome not started, just ready. Local folder deploy OK.

Oh, I have 20 forms.

I haven’t try. My wild guess is too many responsive forms

More information George, follow complete log file…
the index exported to folder have no errors…

appstudio-latest - Copia.log (45.0 KB)

No, that should not be a problem.

@VagnerBertoni, Can you zip your project folder up and send it to me? I’d like to try it here.

George I found the problem!
I use an emoji on the button in the jqwidgets grid, when I paste the Whatsapp emoji, a type of quotation marks that are not very common are added.
See in the images and in the code … Put in the columns of a jqwidgets grid that will give the problem


{text: "", filterable: false,width: '15px',dataField: "B2", columntype: "button", 
      cellsrenderer: function () {return "📅"}, 
      buttonclick: function (row) {editaPagamentoBoleto(row)}
{text: "",filterable: false, width: '15px',dataField: "B3", columntype: "button", 
      cellsrenderer: function () {return "💲"}, 
      buttonclick: function (row) {abrirPagamentoBoleto(row)}
,{text: "",filterable: false, dataField: "B4", columntype: "button" ,width:'40px', 
      cellsrenderer: function () {return "Nota"}, 
      buttonclick: function (row) {abrirNotaFiscal(row)}
text: "",filterable: false, dataField: "B12", width: '15px',columntype: "button", 
      cellsrenderer: function () {return "✉"}, 
      buttonclick: function (row) {enviarEmailPedido(row)}
,{text: "",filterable: false, dataField: "B15", columntype: "button" ,width:'15px', 
      cellsrenderer: function () {return "📄"},
      buttonclick: function (row) {abrirDetalhesClientes(row)}
,{text: "",filterable: false, dataField: "B16", columntype: "button" ,width:'15px', 
      cellsrenderer: function () {return "🔍"}, 
      buttonclick: function (row) {procurarClientesBoleto(row)}
,{ text: "GUID", datafield: "GUID",hidden: true}  
,{ text: "Pg", datafield: "Pagamento",threestatecheckbox: false, columntype: 'checkbox',width: '2%'}
,{text: "",filterable: false, dataField: "B18", columntype: "button" ,width:'15px', 
      cellsrenderer: function () {return "❔"}, 
      buttonclick: function (row) {verificaPagamentoIugu(row)}
,{ text: "Data", datafield: "DataPagamento",hidden: true}    
,{ text: "Vcto", datafield: "DataVencimento",width:'8%',aggregates: ['count'],aggregatesrenderer:formataValorCelulaNegritoContador}
,{ text: "Lic", datafield: "Licenca",width:'8%'}
text: "", dataField: "B6", width: 'auto', columntype: "button", 
      cellsrenderer: function () {return "🔑"}, 
      buttonclick: function (row) {DataLicencaClienteRevenda(row)}
,{ text: "Num", datafield: "NossoNumero",width:'7%',hidden:true}
,{ text: "FaturaIugu", datafield: "IDFaturaIugu",width:'8%'}

,{text: "",filterable: false, dataField: "B17", columntype: "button" ,width:'15px', 
      cellsrenderer: function () {return "📋"}, 
      buttonclick: function (row) {copiarBoletoIugu(row)}
,{ text: "Ped", datafield: "Pedido",width:'6%'}
,{ text: "Status", datafield: "StatusNFSe",width:'5%'}    
,{ text: "RPS", datafield: "RpsNFSe",width:'5%'}    
,{ text: "Sacado", datafield: "Sacado",hidden: true}    
,{ text: "Fat Cli", datafield: "FaturamentoCliente",threestatecheckbox: true, columntype: 'checkbox',width: '5%'}
,{ text: "Cliente", datafield: "Cliente",width:'15%'}        
,{ text: "Valor", datafield: "Valor",cellsalign: 'right', cellsformat: 'd2',cellsrenderer:  formataValorCelula,
aggregates: ['sum'], aggregatesrenderer:formataValorCelulaNegrito,width:'10%' } 
,{ text: "Parcelas", datafield: "Parcelas",width:'8%'}
,{ text: "Pré-Pago", datafield: "PrePago",threestatecheckbox: false, columntype: 'checkbox',width: '45px;'}
,{ text: "Royalt", datafield: "Royalt",threestatecheckbox: false, columntype: 'checkbox',width: '45px'}
,{ text: "Acesso", datafield: "Acessado",width:'10%'}
,{ text: "Mensagem Nota", datafield: "MensagemNFSe",width:'15%'}
,{ text: "Revenda", datafield: "Revenda",width:'20%'}      

