Hi, I’m using cordova-plugin-document-viewer to view and print PDF files which works great on iOS but I cant get it to work on Android.
I have a file pdfs where all my PDF files are, I have pdfs added in my Manifest.
I also have MuPDF installed and Adobe Acrobat on my device.
If I use:
cordova.plugins.SitewaertsDocumentViewer.viewDocument("pdfs/test.pdf","application/pdf",{title: "Test PDF File", print: {enabled: True}});
I get the error =
Error in SitewaertsDocumentViewer.viewDocument(): invalid file url ‘pdfs/test.pdf’ or no viewer for mime type ‘application/pdf’
If I use:
cordova.plugins.SitewaertsDocumentViewer.viewDocument("file:///android_asset/pdfs/test.pdf","application/pdf",{title: "Test PDF File", print: {enabled: True}});
I get the error=
sitewaertsdocumentviewer.js:302 Error in SitewaertsDocumentViewer.viewDocument():
Object > message: “File not found”