I am learning to use the Printpdf Function. Problem I am having is that when I create a textbox and format its contents like to skip a line, (below) when I run the program the pdf form created does not format as on the text, and just stays in the same line, whereas in the textbox is formatted correctly. Anything I am missing to be able to format the pdf form as in the textbox or container?
Dim pdf = new jsPDF("p", "pt", "letter")
TextArea1.value = "Testing 1" + Chr(13) + "Testing 2"
HTMLview1.innerHTML= TextArea1.value
function Button1_onclick()
Form1.style.display = "inline"
HTMLview1.innerHTML= TextArea1.value
pdf.addHTML(document.body, handlePDFdone)
End function
Sub handlePDFdone()
'FormattedPage.style.display = "inline"
Form1.style.display = "inline"
End Sub