Redim with Preserve

I can’t get the Basic ReDim with Preserve to work. I’ve tried ReDim Preserve Array(4) and ReDim “Preserve” Array(4) and both give me an error.

The online help says the following:
ReDim [Preserve] nameA [([ subscriptA [, subscriptB [, subscriptC …]]])][, nameB …[, nameC …[…]]]

The actual error might help.

I tried this:

Function Button1_onclick()
  Dim Foo
  ReDim Foo(9)
  ReDim Foo(19,29)
  ReDim Preserve Foo(19,28)
End Function

and got this result (no error):

(10) [empty × 10]
(20) [Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30), Array(30)]
(20) [Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29), Array(29)]