Sample Icon and Splash

I am having issues with Splashscreen for Android. I think it may be the icon or splash even though it works fine for ios. I don’t get an error that I can see in the Voltbuilder log. Can someone please upload the samples so I can try with them an see if that is the issue? I assume in 1024x1024 and 2732x2732 Thanks.

What issues are you having?

I was getting the Cordova icon and then after playing around with my config and icon and splash in th properties, I just get my blank background. I have tried this with and without the engine spec and the AnimatedIcon. Nothing seems to work.

PS I know there a way to paste from config but I can’t remember. Sorry



Update. It works now. No idea why to be honest. I think it has something to do with AndroidWindowSplashScreenAnimatedIcon. Does not look like Android is using the splash that is generated by VoltBuilder and stored in the \voltbuilder\resources\android\splash folder.
I get the splashscreen image in a small circle in the middle of the screen like other users have mentioned in other posts. Doesn’t look very good and cuts off some of my splash.

What you’re seeing is how Android does splashscreens now.

Here is Google’s documentation.

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