SQLite Query Construct error

Hi there , I´m Using this code, what´s wrong ?

Function btnBusca_onclick()
  DB = SqlOpenDatabase("CPF_CNPJ.db","1.0","CPF_CNPJ")
  sqlList[0]=["SELECT * FROM consulta WHERE CPF_CNPJ=?", "'"&txtCpfCnpj.value&"'" , Achei]
  Sql(DB, sqlList)
End Function

Function Achei(transaction, results)
  If results.rows.length>0 Then
    MsgBox "Achei"     'results.rows.item(0).name & " is " & results.rows.item(0).age
    MsgBox "Não achei"
  End If
End Function

You need to give more information if anyone is going to help you.

Explain where you are running this and what happens when you try it. Are there any errors in the Chrome Console?

When you’re using a variable, I don’t think you need to wrap it in quotes (or ticks), just use the variable raw.

It´s giving me a message of DataBase Version Error / Invalid DataBase Version {version]

I’m guessing (you did not supply the information) that the error message is coming from the SQLOpenDatabase.

You’ll need to check that it is properly created and that you are opening it the right way.

Ok, I´ll see it, whats another alternative as a database instead of sqlite ?

I´m just published a webapp

It still working like the last version, , but it´s totally differente now , nad giving me a message about wrok db version, but, there are no db then no instructions to open a db !

SQLite is the only real database for mobile apps.

I bet the problem is with your app, not SQLite. Do the samples work OK?

I’m not sure that you mean in your second message (“I’ve just published a webapp…”)

Here’s some code from an older project… I did a few find and replaces so I may have introduced an error or five but it should get you started. Get this to working first and then expand the sql statements to fit your needs.

// this function would open the database, 
function sqlInit()
  if(window.sqlDB != null)

  window.sqlDB = window.openDatabase("sqlContracts", "1.0", "sqlContracts", 2 * 1024 * 1024);
  if(window.sqlDB === null)
    console.log("Error creating contract database! This is required functionality and is not available on your device. We will be quietly exiting now.");, {

// this creates the table
function sqlCreateTable()
  var db = window.sqlDB;

  // rec_id, channel, type, title, text, when, contact
  db.transaction(function(tx) {
    tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS contracts (rec_id UNSIGNED BIG INT PRIMARY KEY ASC, msg_when TEXT, contract_read INTEGER, contract_text TEXT)", 
    		      [], sqlNullHandler, sqlOnError);
    tx.executeSql("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS unique_id ON contracts (rec_id)", 

// this truncates the table thereby deleting all Contracts
function sqlTruncateTable()
  var db = window.sqlDB;
    tx.executeSql("DELETE FROM contracts WHERE rec_id > 0", [],
        function(tx, rs) {
            console.log("Table was truncated!");        

// when called, this will drop the messages table
function sqlDropTable()
  var db = sqlDB;
  db.transaction(function(tx) {
    tx.executeSql('DROP INDEX IF EXISTS unique_id', [], sqlOnSuccess, sqlOnError);
    tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS contracts', [],
            function(tx, rs) {
            $('#fetch-result').html("Table was truncated!");
            sqlOnSuccess(tx, rs);        

function sqlCountAllRecords(callback)
  var db = window.sqlDB;
  db.transaction(function (tx) {
    tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM contracts', [], function (tx, results) {
     if(typeof callback === "function")

function sqlGetRecordByID(rec_id, callback)
  var db = window.sqlDB;
  db.transaction(function (tx) {
    tx.executeSql('SELECT * FROM contracts WHERE rec_id=?', [rec_id], 
        function (tx, results) {
            for (var i=0; i<results.rows.length; i++)
              var row = results.rows.item(i);
              if(typeof callback === "function")
                callback( row );
        }, sqlOnError);

function dummyFunction(row)
  rowContract = row;

//these are the static/core error/success functions
function sqlOnError(tx, e)
  console.log("There has been a database error: " + e.message);

function sqlOnSuccess(tx, r)
  // re-render the data.
//  console.log("r contains: ");
//  console.dir(r);
//  console.log("tx contains: ");
//  console.dir(tx);
//   sqlListAllContracts(loadContracts);

function sqlNullHandler(tx, e) {}

// this adds any new Contract to the database
// rec_id, contract_when, contract_read, contract_text
function sqlAddRecord(rec_id, contract_when, contract_read, contract_text)
  var db = window.sqlDB;
  var read = 0;               // all new records are unread (updated record later)
  var xwhen = String(when);
  xwhen = xwhen.trim();
  var msg_when = xwhen.replace(" ", "T");

    var addedOn = new Date();

    // rec_id, contract_when, contract_read, contract_text
    tx.executeSql("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO contracts(rec_id, contract_when, contract_read, contract_text) VALUES (?,?,?,?)",
        [rec_id, contract_when, contract_read, contract_text],

function sqlTotalExpired(days, callback)
	  var db = window.sqlDB;
	  var contract_when = contract_when_string(days);  // today's date -n days
    var expired = new Date(contract_when);           // convert to this date 
    var query = "SELECT * FROM contracts WHERE (contract_when <= datetime('now', '-" +days +" day'))";

  	    tx.executeSql(query, [], function(tx, rs) {
           if(typeof callback === "function")
        }, sqlOnError);

// this gets called VERY early in the startup and transaction may not be initialized
function sqlFindFirst(callback)
    if(window.sqlDB === null)

	  var db = window.sqlDB;
    var query = "SELECT MIN(rec_id) AS first_msg FROM contracts";

  	    tx.executeSql(query, [], function(tx, rs) {
           if(typeof callback === "function")
              var first_msg = 0;
              if(rs.rows.length > 0)
                first_msg = rs.rows.item(0).first_msg;              
           if(typeof callback === "function")
        }, sqlOnError);

// this deletes an Contract by rec_id
function sqlDeleteRecord(rec_id, callback)
  var db = window.sqlDB;
    tx.executeSql("DELETE FROM contracts WHERE rec_id=?", [rec_id],
        function(tx, rs) {
          if(typeof callback === "function")

//this marks an Contract as read using the rec_id
function sqlMarkRead(rec_id, callback)
  var db = window.sqlDB;
    tx.executeSql("UPDATE contracts SET contract_read=1 WHERE rec_id=?", [rec_id],
        function(tx, rs) {

qlfunction getAllRecords()
  var db = window.sqlDB;
  // alert("Executing Query Transaction.");
    tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM contracts ORDER BY contract_when DESC", [], 

function contract_when_string(days)
  var minus_days = parseInt(days, 10);  
  minus_days =  (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * minus_days);
  now = new Date();
  now.setTime(now.getTime() - minus_days); 
  year = "" + now.getFullYear();
  month = "" + (now.getMonth() + 1); if (month.length == 1) { month = "0" + month; }
  day = "" + now.getDate(); if (day.length == 1) { day = "0" + day; }
  hour = "" + now.getHours(); if (hour.length == 1) { hour = "0" + hour; }
  minute = "" + now.getMinutes(); if (minute.length == 1) { minute = "0" + minute; }
  second = "" + now.getSeconds(); if (second.length == 1) { second = "0" + second; }
  return year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;

function localDateStr(dateObj)
  // let's get a human friendly date
  var strDate = "" + new Date(dateObj);
  var parseDate = strDate.split(" ", 5);
  var msg_when = parseDate[0] +" " +parseDate[1] +" " +parseDate[2] +" " +parseDate[3] +" " +parseDate[4];

// state:  0 - unread, 1 = read
function getUnreadRecords(contract_state, callback)
  var db = window.sqlDB;

  // console.log("getUnreads db = " +db);
	if(db == null)
		console.log("db not initialized");
        tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM contracts WHERE contract_read == ?", [contract_state],
	   	    function(tx, rs) {
             if(typeof callback === "function")