SQLite WASM for existing DB

Hi all,
I’m trying to use an existing database (sqlite) with the app.
My steps are:

  1. I’ve made my database and tables with an external tool (DB Browser for SQLite)
  2. I’ve copied the db file (skate.db) into project folder
  3. In appstudio, in project properties I’ve checked SQLite (WASM)
  4. In the project property “ExtraFile” I’ve write the name file (skate.db)
  5. The code of a pushbutton (click event) is: var DB = SqlOpenDatabase(“skate.db”);
  6. Etc… (make query and other)

The result is a MSGBOX with the text “SQLite library not found. Use SQLite WASM or Cordova plugin.”
Can someone help me?
Thank you

SQLImport isn’t implemented yet for SQite WASM, though I understand it is close.

Let me get an update.