To be able to draw texture on The 3d obj,the old method is to cut the made things simple,it is divided basically into top,bottom left ,right,front,back view portion.the drawing part of 3d obj,is like drawing in the 6 view,where the complicated portion is “pic tweening” ,that means auto drawn correctly by the ide.the difficult portion of the 3d object,is split into a few different view window,which which view is divided into the left view and right drawing window.where which view left plane shows the view that shows the difficult portion of the 3d part,where the right plane is the user drawing window.these different view window is navigated by left and right arrow.
Anyway this is just my suggestion,the planing of inner side of programming of the 3d ide still lies on your side.
It is favourable to be also to be able to code 3d project manually,if desired.and to add asset manually,if would be best of both worlds.the scene could be added by the ide automatically,to less the learning curve…best regards
Gogot4.2 is also available on Android .
And finally,let’s the developer go through a loop review,eg,choose between different angle of floor plan,choose between lots of built in texture of the eg,wall…eventually ,ask whether the developer wants to review a final round…
Or,is it possible ,with a touch of button,convert 2d app to 3d app,leaving some final touch to the developer,such as texture and lighting…etc
Web3d,I suppose.
May be jdevelop is integrating the admod and various site to sell the developer (apk) product. U can learn from it
Hi, I am currently learning godot4.2,although the learning curve is steeper, but the good thing is it is free and, of all the 2d+3d ide, the learning curve is the easiest. I love as9 but as my medical expense is high, I have to look up for extra expenses. I love the without need to worry abt android development kit(the cmd stuff). I love the voltbuilder, the voltsigner, the help system, the fantastic support system. In my opinion, as9 2d ide(basic language ide generating android apk) is much more easier to use than godot4.2. So look forward, as10 needs 2d +3d apk building(or add another product as3d10) , where 3d needs to be more easy to learn than godot4.2.unreal, unity developer are going towards godot4.2. (n a unknown portion of as developer too). May be, one day, as needs to go the free path. What’s your opinion on this? Best rdgs