Syntax Checking not working

I just noticed that the red underline of invalid code is not working. AS, Windows 10. How can I fix this?

Thanks, John

Can you give me a sample line of code?

Instead, please give me a “simple line of code” that you have verified works to show red. I’ll test that code and give you the answer. I’ve tried all sorts of bad code, but what you can make red will work better for a test.

Thanks, John

I would think:

D = Mid(it,)

would show red, but they don’t.

Is your form set to JavaScript or BASIC?

All forms BASIC plus Object Properties. Some javascript is included in forms, however.

I just ran AS on a different computer (Win 10) with a much older version of AS and the red syntax worked ok. I then updated that computer to and the red syntax failed. I also tried and it too failed. Just using Sample HelloWorld to test.

Thanks, John

Thank you. I’m able to reproduce this. We will fix it.

The likely cause is an update to one of the libraries we rely on .

Any progress on this?

Thanks, John

The issue (#2807) is still open.