Update old Android app certificate issues

I am attempting to update an existing Android store app, originally created with Phonegap Build several years ago. The latest challenge is the with certificates.

When I attempt to upload APK file generated by Voltbuilder it won’t accept saying the certificate is different than the existing published app. I don’t know where the original certificate is since it was done through phonegap build before.

It looks like I’m now supposed to use Google Play app signing instead but the instructions are very difficult to follow. Is there anyway to us Voltsigner to simplify things? Has anyone run into this issue trying to update an old Android app?

Thank you,

If your certificate was on PhoneGap Build only, there is no way to retrieve it.

You can use VoltSigner to generate a new certificate, but you may need to use Google Play app signing.

I did use VoltSigner to generate a new certificate, but Google Play is not accepting it because it’s different than the previous one used in past releases.

I’m confused between upload key and app signing key. Is VoltSigner generating an upload key?

There doesn’t seem to be an option on Google Play app signing to generate a new key that will be compatible with the previous releases key. They documentation is very confusing.