Using cordova plugin for barcode


I would like to use the “cordova-plugin-honeywell-barcode-scanner” plugin in the application for Honeywell EDA50 android device to capture the scanned barcode information, but I have no idea how to include this plugin into the project and how to use the command to capture the data and show it on screen.

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Looks like the JavaScript code for this is in their docs: => {
    console.log("data",; // actual barcode data
    console.log("code", result.code);
    console.log("charset", result.charset);
    console.log("aim-id", result.aimId);
    console.log("timestamp", result.timestamp);
}, error => {

Or are you working in BASIC?

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Yes, I am using BASIC.

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What is the Meaning cordova

Cordova/PhoneGap lets you build standalone native apps for iOS and Android.

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