Using fontawesome local

Hi Guys

I just bought all library

When unzipped its made a 15MB folder

I attached in manifest files (actual extra files) as /fontawesome and pointed the extrahead to local folder fontawesome using

Everything works fine, but to compile the index.html takes more than 2 minutes… without the fontawesome folder, takes 30 seconds…

I tried in version 6 and 7 of appstudio

Any tip to take it more speed?

Before ask me, i need to send the fontawesome files, cause my app works off web too

Vagner Bertoni

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The entire font awesome library is indeed very large and has many icons we didn’t need so we just copied the icons we needed to a separate file and included that.

Thanks for the tip on this library. I can put that to immediate use.

If you’re using Bootstrap 4, AppStudio includes the Open Iconic set.

They’re all SVG, so they are small and load fast.

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Extremely helpful. Thank you.