i had a problem with volt when i deploy my app this message was show
[ authentication Error:Invalid Login]
i already have account in volt and sign in
then i had solved the problem of deploy to Volt by modifying the password more than once
it is deploy now to Volt, But a new problem has arisen and after scanning the application and opening it on the mobile , this message appears
uncaught Type Error
cannot read Property
getitem on null
line2 column 206
And I did not write code definitively
but when using URL on computer browser it is working i want to open on mobile
What is the URL of your app? I’ll try it here.
this is the URL
but now there is a new error
Update unsuccessful: cache error
2018-03-30 09:49:22.564000
how i can solve this problem and run app in mobile
Are you using DropBox to store data?
I do not use the dropbox definitively nor any of the storage methods
You probably have DropBox selected in Project Properties. Turn that off.
That’s right thanks
But what about this message appears in mobile after scanning
uncaught Type Error
cannot read Property
getitem on null
line2 column 206
I tried to make this happen. The app starts OK - but what do I have to do after that?