Voltbuilder Error sending version to Apple Store

HI Gujys

We generated the debug version for iO and tested it on iPhones, everything OK, we sent it to Apple and they test it on iPad, we don’t have any one and they say the app doesn’t open…
Has anyone ever experienced this?

Guideline 2.1 - Performance - App Completeness

We continue to noticed that your app launched into a splash screen, and no action or further response was produced.

Review device details:

  • Device type: iPad
  • OS version: iOS 15.3

Best bet to get access to one of the devices and try it yourself.

i did it, i got my daughter ipad and works fine in debbug mode… why in release in apple store do not works?

Have you asked Apple for more details? There isn’t much we can tell from here.

They send me printscreen, it seems stops in splashscreen… in debug mode runs ok in ipad and iphone… it seems something wrong with release version made in VoltBuilder

This isn’t something wrong with VoltBuilder. It’s with your project.

My guess is that you’re trying to access some resource which permissions have not been granted. Do any messages show up on the Safari Console when you are running the app?

in debug mode in my app permition to location is showing up ok… but how can i test release ipa?

I thought using the latest version of appstudio would solve the problem, but I was wrong.
I uploaded another version to apple and the permission requests appear for location and push and freezes on the splash screen. You said to see it in the safari console, but in debug mode it installs and works perfectly on all my devices. I don’t know what else to do to make the ipa release work on apple…

Is this question about the how to get rid of the XMenu notification message?